🤫🔥The Castling: Protect your King| How to do castling in chess complete guide in hindi

The Castling: Protect your King| How to do castling in chess complete guide in hindi

Castling is a move in chess. It consists of moving the king two squares toward a rook on the same rank and then moving the rook to the square that the king passed over.

Rules Of Castling
Castling is the only time in chess that two pieces can move at once, and the only time a piece other than the knight can move over another piece. The king moves two spaces to the left or to the right, and the rook moves over and in front of the king, all in one move.

Importance Of Castling
Castling is an important goal in the early part of a game, because it serves two valuable purposes: it moves the king into a safer position away from the center of the board, and it moves the rook to a more active position in the center of the board (it is possible even to checkmate with castling).

Castling is permitted provided all of the following conditions are met:

Neither the king nor the rook has previously moved.

There are no pieces between the king and the rook.

The king is not currently in check.

The king does not pass through or finish on a square that is attacked by an enemy piece.

What Is Castling? 

Castling is a special move in chess where you do multiple unique actions. First of all, it is the only move where you may move two pieces in the same move! Secondly, castling is the only time in chess when it is legal to move the king more than one square! Third, it is the only move that both develops your rook and protects your king. Castling can be performed on the kingside (notated as 0-0) or queenside (notated as 0-0-0).

You must be wondering, how do we castle? Let’s find out!

How Do You Castle?

Castling involves the king and a rook. As mentioned, there are many rules to castling: The first is that you may only castle if you haven’t moved your king and your rook (on the side where you want to castle). The second rule is that no piece can be between your king and the rook on the side where you want to castle

Other Rules Of Castling 

Sometimes the first two conditions (no pieces are between the king and rook, and neither the king nor rook has been moved) are satisfied, but we are still unable to castle. Here are three additional rules of castling:
1) If you are in check, you cannot castle. You must first get out of check before you can do anything.
2) You cannot castle if any square the king is moving through is attacked by your opponent’s pieces.
3) You cannot castle into check. This rule is easy to remember, since moving into check is illegal in the first place!

Why Is It Important To Castle?

Now that you understand how and when you can perform this special move, we can discuss why it is so important. Castling gets your king out of the center and protected by pawns. Castling also lets your rook into the game. In the following position, White has just castled kingside: