My FAVORITE Chess Openings by Rating

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I get many questions about chess openings for beginners, intermediate, and advanced level players. In this video I share what openings I think work best across the rating ladder. London, Stonewall, Sicilian, Caro Kann, and many others are featured.

0:00 Intro
13:29 FOR ADVANCED (LIKE 1800+)

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  1. I’m having trouble finding info on a white e3 then c3 opening and it’s opposite for black e6 c3. The idea was to abandon the center and attack the king side rook. I’m looking for ideas on how to set the trap better. I understand it’s a weak opening, the Van’t and likely is not a great line. I feel hung on it because it works a lot of times for both and there seams to be something there for some reason. Seams more difficult to pull of with white.

  2. I learned king's gambit at 900 and I just smash everybody

  3. Jesus Christ. Watching as a 350 and my brain hurts

  4. I just broke 850 today after learning some ruy Lopez traps, kings Indian/grunfeld against d4, and the Sicilian dragon for e4 and now my elo evaluations are all over the place. Sometimes my games are rated 1500 and sometimes 900, but it’s weird

  5. For the kings indian, what if after kf6, they push to e5? You can take w the pawn but the knight is still attacked after, seems annoying for black.

  6. I played the trompowsky and built well into the middle game. I even opened up the diagonal and was ready with my Queen but I never moved my Queen. Lol

  7. yooo you played frank's opening from pogchamps lmao

  8. By the way, The Nimzo Indian Defense is an excellent opening gor black.

  9. So for a beginner, if you're planning to play King's Indian Defense as Black, what is the advantage of playing London System as white, over King's Indian Attack?

  10. … but what about the cow opening, @GothamChess ?! =)

  11. this is for me

    00:38 White –> London System
    02:00 White –> Stone Wall
    02:37 White –> e4 Nf6
    04:34 Black –> King's Indian Setup
    05:35 Black –> Scandinavian Defense
    06:34 Black –> Sicilian Defense (Dragon Sicilian)

  12. What about the cow opening 🐄

  13. I tried the London system and I get absolutely destroyed. They play the opening nothing like he shows normally. Everyone plays extremely aggressive.

  14. there is a third choice for the scandinavian defenese if their queen gets attacked, hang it and develop your pieces. The real Queens Gambit

  15. As a 800-1200 ELO chess player, I often play London System (from White) and Caro-Kann Defense (from Black).

    NOTE: What I mean by 800-1200 ELO is that my Blitz Rating is 800-850 and Rapid Rating is 1200+. Yep, I take ages to make a move that's why I suck at Blitz.

  16. i like the thumbnail lol. also thanks for teaching everyone so much about chess. myself included.

  17. Levy I used your opening as black and literally enemy got confused that he blundered his rook I kill by bishop not only that He did many blunders bcz of my opening I won't let him enter my territory

  18. At 5min, you're for some reason referring to the Pirc as "King's indian". King's indian has the pawn on c4, Pirc on c2. Also, Pirc for a beginner is… a choice. I feel like a beginner is just going to roll over and die against the strong center every game.

  19. Works for all move

    London for white 0:40
    King's indian for black 4:32

    Scandinavian defence 5:35

    I should try in future

    Ponziani for white 8:11
    Vienna system for white
    Caro kann for black 10:33 (for e4)
    Dutch defence 11:07 (any move but e4)

    After that once you became intermediate (1200-1500) leave playing chess 😂
    You are done Brother 😂

    At last…..If you are play white you should play
    1- London
    2- Catalan
    2- Ponziani
    3- Vienna

    For black you should play
    1- Caro kann for E4
    2- Dutch for everything but E4
    3- King's Indian for everything

  20. Wow, I remember the early days of gothamchess

  21. The thumbnail has to get some praises…

  22. how many languages does this guy speak, his accent triggers my polyglot gigachad brain

  23. What is the point of the london??? Nobody wins with it, pointless.

  24. London didnt worked for me.. I got crushed from 700 to 500… But using King's gambit and Sicilian smith morra gambit I started winning like crazy! Soon to touch 1k elo🤫

  25. What do you think of the …Qd6 Scandinavian?

  26. well guess ill just get to like 1200 and thatll be it aint no way im studying chess lil bro

  27. that was just the vid i was looking for, THANK YOU!!!

  28. Sicilan defense open
    Caro/french advance
    King/queen's gambit
    Tennison gambit


  29. The Caro-Kann was one of Alpha Zero's fave openings during about half of it's training, (it's training was about 8 hours btw not 4 hours. 4 hours was how long it took to equal Stockfish 8 strength.)


  31. 2:02 ayy dude isnt this similar to the trident opening that stockfish cheater used to use in that video

  32. Bro, is 1800 intermadiate? I'm only 1500🥲🥲

  33. As a beginner a lot of people try to follow that advice of take control of the middle early, that's why I like to blindside them with the Czech Pirc Defence. Those Knights aren't defending anything muh ha ha ha.

  34. Those 3 white are really good to know for beginner lv, they mix a lot with the fried liever attack, thanks Levi. I like to change the king's indian with Hippo depending on what my opponent plays also.

  35. Nope. London's system is not for a beginner.
    Because 1…c5 imply immediately a total animation of the London system HAHAHAHA 😀
    After that, the beginner (White player) will be totally lost …. At contrary, the Black player (knowing his "old Benoni" theory) is going to mastering the opening, taking a good option to win the game ^^

    In my opinion the Vienna game is totally playable for a beginner, and maybe more important : afford a lot of fun !!!

  36. I'm dying the thumbnail😭😭😭🖐️🖐️🖐️

  37. Gotham Is making me insane with the chess openings. I was searching for a good way of wining in chess and this video is perfect consider subscribing.

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